Ode to a Very Specific Feeling


When your latest story just isn’t working out, what do you do?

It’s the third attempt that you’ve tried to start a chapter in your novel. Something isn’t quite right. You can’t put your finger on it.

Is the plot going in the wrong direction? Is the chapter not on theme? Is the writing simply–gasp–bad?

You stare at your computer screen. You take a Facebook break. You stare at your computer screen some more. You take a snack break. You stare at your computer screen again. You wonder why you ever committed yourself to this career path in the first place.

By now, you know what you have to do. That stupid delete key is taunting you, lording its power over you from its inconspicuous place on your keyboard. You know that you need to trash a huge chunk of novel. But dang it, this is gonna hurt.

You highlight what you need, hover your finger over the key, and close your eyes. You press, willing back the bile you can taste in your throat. Goodbye, thousands of beautiful words. Goodbye, massive chunk of my life.

You start over. It’s not easy. It’s a downright painful experience. But out of nowhere, wandering in from some hidden spot in the ether, come. . . the words.

It’s flowing out of you now! You’re not writing this story, the story is writing itself! You’re a friggin’ magician, baby! Reviewers are going to rave. Readers are going to lose their minds. Bestseller lists are going to scramble to print your name!

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^^ Dang, this is a good feeling. And while I may not be convinced that bestseller lists are going to scramble to print my name, I’m happy to report that this is pretty much how I felt working through the pain of my latest western romance. I thought I was doomed before I braved that delete key and let the right words find me.

My latest book is done and with its completion comes a sense of loss. I hate leaving a new world behind! Thankfully, this was book 2 in a series with 2 more books to go. I cannot wait for you all to read them, though with the extensive editing and publishing process, this could still be quite a while. I’ll keep you posted on the progress!

So… are you a writer? Have you ever felt this way? Tell me I’m not super weird. >.<


