A Tuesday Sans Children


What became of my President’s Day weekend? An indoor playground, some kiddo time, and new inspiration.

Ah, the three day weekend. How I love you. How I hate you.

This past Monday in the U.S. was President’s Day, which meant that my kiddos were home from school. We spent the day hanging out at an indoor playground, which turned out to be a great way to burn off their energy.

I won’t lie: holiday weekends can be a challenge for me. I’m the kind of mom who loves her children, but also loves having her grown-up alone time to recharge. Working from home is the best balance for someone like me. So this holiday, I tried a little harder to be more present while my kids were home from school. I read all the picture books. I rolled up my sleeves and climbed up the stairs on the playground. I made all the snacks.

My son, Owen, channeling my usual three day weekend energy

And you know what? I actually think that this effort has put me in a better place creatively. I have twin nineteen-month-olds and I rediscovered this holiday weekend that they are a never-ending source of inspiration. They say hilarious things (Eleanor loves to say “Ready set GO!” whenever anyone is in her way). They do the cutest stuff (Owen has been boogeying to The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights” and it is adorable). They show me that sometimes the best relationships are built on simple friendship and a mutual love of cubed snack cheese.

My twins inspire my romance novels because they make me reevaluate what is most important in our lives and relationships. The three day weekend might feel like a slog sometimes, but it’s totally worth it in the end. These little boogers are my favorite source of creative genius.

. . . All that being said, I’m definitely going to enjoy my morning Coke in peace today. <3


