A Love Story Fit For a Romance Writer


Every day, I work on romance novels. Here’s my own love story!

The month of love has come and gone, but we’re only just now getting around to our Valentine’s celebrations in the Miner household. It’s tough when you have twin toddlers, okay?

Anyway, back at Christmas my husband and I were gifted some cooking lessons and I finally convinced my man to come with me. We took a pork ramen class last weekend and a sushi class on Wednesday. Amazing!

May be an image of Steven Miner and Brittni Miner, people standing, food and indoor
May be an image of food

In light of our memorable date, I thought I’d take a little trot down Memory Lane. Here’s our love story. <3

Steven and I met when I was a sophomore in college. I didn’t have any plans to get married that young (at the time I actually thought I’d go to law school– HA), but I was dating around. He saw me in a political science class and had a crush on me, but never said a word. We officially met through a coworker of mine who turned out to be his roommate. Finally, Steven had found his window of opportunity to ask me out!

We went on our first date to the Spaghetti Factory and completely hit it off. I legitimately remember thinking that night that I “could marry this guy.” One date quickly turned into a serious relationship. Before I knew it, I was *that* crazy chick who was engaged at age 19.

May be an image of 2 people, including Steven Miner
Our engagement: we used a plastic ring!

Our engagement was fast and we got married in May of 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. We were so crazy to get married at such a young age and after such a short engagement. Lucky for us, though, we were best friends whose relationship only grew deeper after we tied the knot. I tell my husband all the time that we got reallll lucky things worked out the way that they did. My parents must have thought I was nuts.

May be an image of 2 people, including Steven Miner
Love how happy we look

It’s been almost eight years since we got married, and I still love this dude so much. He watches cheesy Lifetime dramas with me. He stays up late talking about work with me. He gets down and dirty to play with our kids and he’s an amazing co-parent with me. I really couldn’t ask for more.

May be an image of 2 people, including Steven Miner and people smiling
Halloween 2018: Jurassic Park characters with our dog

Two kids, two states, one massive pup, and many jobs later, we are still deeply in love. I honestly don’t think I could write a romance that is any more perfect than ours. Steven is the best husband. . . even when he snores. 😉

What’s your love story? Anybody else out there get married this young? Hopefully we aren’t the only psychos out there, haha.


