5 Underrated Romance Movies You’re Sure to Love


Need something to watch this weekend? Look no further for some great romance movies.

It’s *almost* the weekend! Woot woot! If you’re a movie junkie like me, you’re probably looking for something new to watch. Unfortunately, I feel like I’ve cycled through just about every good movie that’s ever existed. If this sounds like you, too, and you find yourself in need of some inspiration for Saturday night entertainment, look no further than this quick list of my top 5 favorite underrated romance movies.

Love and Monsters. This movie was my favorite surprise to come out of an otherwise crappy 2020. It’s a post-apocalyptic romance movie that follows the story of Joel, a young man who is willing to face his fears and battle actual monsters if it means that he can be reunited with his girlfriend. This movie is so cute, so funny, and so not getting the love it deserves. It had excellent reviews from both critics and audiences alike, so be sure to catch it streaming on Amazon right away.

Palm Springs. This Hulu original romance movie almost slipped right past me. I’ll be honest: I’ve grown reallllly tired of the Groundhog Day gimmick, and when I saw that this movie played into that trope, I was ready to skip it. I’m so glad I didn’t. Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti star in this outrageous, darkly-comedic story about two wedding guests stuck in a time loop. Bonus: J.K. Simmons (one of my favorite actors) plays a key role.

Game Night. This is one of those movies where I feel like the trailers did it no justice. When I first heard about Game Night, I assumed it would be another one of those stupid, cheesy ensemble flicks where none of the characters got enough time to properly develop and audiences would spend most of the time feeling confused about which couple was which. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Give this movie about a couple’s game-night-turned-kidnapping a fair shot.

The Lobster. Fair warning: this film is VERY different than the other movies I have on this list. It is in no way a romantic comedy, and altogether it’s pretty darn dark. Certainly not a romance movie in the traditional sense. Collin Farrell stars as a single man living in a dystopian future where he has 45 days to find a partner lest he be turned into an animal. It’s weird. It’s bloody. It might just keep you up for a few nights (I know it did me!). But if you’re into weird, high-brow cinema, this could be the romance for you.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I’m sure that some readers of this list are going to argue that this romance movie is not underrated. It certainly has a cult following, especially by fans of Judd Apatow-style bro humor. But I still don’t feel that it gets the love that it deserves. This story of a newly-single man trying to move on from his celebrity ex while simultaneously being suffocated by her presence is smart, funny, and full of heart.

So what do you think? Have you seen any of these romance movies yourself? What flicks would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments and then check out some of my other fun lists, like this write-up of 5 great romance TV shows.



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