Rescue Someone Lonesome


Book 2 of the Gardner Ranch Series

Cowboy up and put her heart on the line? Or play it safe forever?

After a breakup blindsides Raquel Villanueva, she jumps on an opportunity for distraction: losing herself in the hard work of an in-home caregiver job in faraway Goldfinch, Arizona. Too bad she won’t be able to forget about romance for long, as her new patient, Adam, turns out to be a reclusive cowboy who’s as prickly as barbed wire, but a whole lot more attractive.

It’s not long before Raquel finds herself pushing professional boundaries and flirting with Adam; she realizes they might have a few things to teach one another. But this teasing has her feeling all too vulnerable again. Is this the real thing or if she is deluding herself? After all, heartbreak blindsided her once… couldn’t it happen again?
