Completely Undatable

Viola knows the story. Girl meets boy. They fall in love. Blah blah blah.

She’s a bestseller that’s churned out every iteration of the formula. But it doesn’t work in real life. It’s a fairytale. Pretend. Makebelieve.

But when she ends up seated at the singles’ table during her best friend’s wedding, her expert knowledge of cliché and lovey-dovey nonsense is put to the ultimate test.


Viola knows the story. Girl meets boy. They fall in love. Blah blah blah.

She’s a bestseller that’s churned out every iteration of the formula. But it doesn’t work in real life. It’s a fairytale. Pretend. Makebelieve.

But when she ends up seated at the singles’ table during her best friend’s wedding, her expert knowledge of cliché and lovey-dovey nonsense is put to the ultimate test.
