Call It Kismet

Millie hasn’t been back to Key West since she left Jonas behind.

Now, on a romantic Florida getaway-turned-business-trip with her confident boyfriend, she is practically afraid to leave her beautiful hotel for fear that Jonas is still out in Key West somewhere, and with him, regret.

But potent memories, vacation euphoria, and great drinks are a dangerous combination, and soon Millie finds herself on a journey through the past.


Millie hasn’t been back to Key West since she left Jonas behind.

Now, on a romantic Florida getaway-turned-business-trip with her confident boyfriend, she is practically afraid to leave her beautiful hotel for fear that Jonas is still out in Key West somewhere, and with him, regret.

But potent memories, vacation euphoria, and great drinks are a dangerous combination, and soon Millie finds herself on a journey through the past.

There was a reason she chose to leave in the first place, and wounds of the heart don’t heal easily.

Don’t miss Brittni Miner’s debut romance, Call It Kismet. Miner’s literary voice is full of snappy, raw, intelligence, giving way to vulnerability when you least expect it.
