From the Top: The True Story Behind the Love Story

From the Top

My new book, From the Top, releases on April 16. Read on about its genesis.

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: if you read just one thing from me, please let it be my first full-length novel, From the Top.

This book is so deeply personal to me. As such, I felt that a few things needed to be said regarding how and why I wrote it. This novel tackles some heavy issues, and I feel like I owe it to myself, my readers, and the men and women who may have lived this story to explore its background.

For starters, it’s important to note that From the Top is a story about sexual assault. Years ago, I learned that someone very close to me was attacked while living abroad. Their experience was traumatic, horrific, and life-altering. Due to the international nature of the crime, pursuing justice got complicated. In order to go after her attacker, this woman would have to travel back to the country where the attack happened, face the perpetrator in person, and relive all of the horrifying details. Meanwhile, she was facing criticism from family members, friends, and even members of her faith community. . . all for trying to right a wrong that happened to her by no fault of her own.

Needless to say, the issue was extremely nuanced and complicated. After learning my friend’s story, I began to hear other similar tales. Women I had known for years revealed rapes and attacks, molestations and harassments. It was truly shocking and I began to realize that, despite the occasional harassment I endured, I had lived an extremely blessed and sheltered life. My feelings ran deep and I went through a mini-crisis of my own as I tried to sort through how I could help in this matter.

Skip to 2019, when my twins were born. I was experiencing postpartum depression and needed some fulfillment in my life. I began having consistent dreams, always about the same story. So, I decided to do the only thing I’m remotely good at: I wrote it all down.

I didn’t intend to publish From the Top at first. It was an endeavor purely meant for my own occupation and to sort through my complicated feelings on the matter of sexual assault. The farther in I got, though, the more it became clear to me that there was a story to share here.

I set the novel in my hometown. I tried to fairly evaluate the bounds of consent. I explored my own psyche, letting the protagonist grow about as close to my own personality and background as just about any character I’ve written before her. It was a painful experience. It was a beautiful experience.

From the Top releases April 16 and I truly hope you buy a copy.


