15 questions with Brittni Miner

From the Top

Who am I? It’s time to find out.

It’s only been ten days, but it feels like FOREVER since I wrote up a new blog post. Recently I had my first full length novel, From the Top, hit Amazon (you can buy that here), I wrapped up a Western romance I’ve been working on, and sent off a romantic comedy to Beta readers.

This is the start of what promises to be a very busy summer for me. In addition to writing and editing, I’ll be visiting my family in Georgia for the entire month of May, teaching at a sketch comedy workshop at Brigham Young University in June and July, and celebrating my twins’ second birthday. Sheesh. Just writing it all down makes me tired.

In light of my hectic schedule, I figured I’d keep today’s post light and do something fun. As From the Top is bringing new readers my way, I wanted to complete a quick Q and A about who I am. Some of these questions are basic, some are silly, and (hopefully) some will intrigue you enough to read more of my work. Check it out!

  • Morning or evening person? Definitely morning. I’m most productive when I first wake up. Also, I can fall asleep just about anywhere, anytime. It makes my husband crazy when we try to watch a late-night movie together.
  • Night in or night out? Night in! Introvert over here.
GIF introvert - animated GIF on GIFER
  • Lots of friends or a few close friends? Lots of acquaintances, only a few who I would call friends. I really struggle to make friendship a priority. It’s something I’m trying to work on.
  • Favorite color? Yellow all the way! It makes me happy. 🙂
  • Holiday at home or abroad? Abroad! Unless the “home” this question is referring to is my hometown. I love travelling back to middle Georgia where most of my family still lives.
Georgia Bulldogs GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
  • Countryside, seaside or city? Honestly, it depends on my mood. Some days I wake up craving a beach, other days I want to tour all the museums and try all the food trucks.
  • Hot climate or cold climate? Cold. Living in Mesa, Arizona, I am so sick of the heat. I would kill for a light dusting of snow.
  • Books or films? Books, as long as they are excellent. I have a great love for movies, too. I actually worked as a film and television critic for a few years. But in the end, books are always my way back home.
  • Rice or pasta? How is this a fair question? Pasta, duh.
  • Tea or coffee? I’m going to cheat. I prefer soda as my caffeine of choice.
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  • Cook, takeaway, or eat out? I LOVE to eat out, but I also love being in the kitchen. I think that eating out ultimately wins because I get to try foods and flavors that I don’t always have in my pantry. This one is a toughie.
  • Formals or casual? I live in jeans and sneakers!
  • Dogs or cats? Dogs. I do love cats, it’s just that I’m crazy allergic to them. I currently own a white German Shepherd named Ghost. He is my spoiled third child.
  • Play it safe or be daring? Play it safe. I’m a MAJOR wimp. My kids are little daredevils and I have absolutely no idea where they got that from.
  • Idealist or realist? I’m a total realist. To a fault, really. I’m trying hard to push my dreams just a little bit farther.

Well, there you have it! Fifteen questions with Brittni Miner. Now you’ve got all the insider info. If you have a sec, swing by and check out some of my other articles, like this one I wrote about my latest novel!


