Where in the world is author Brittni Miner?

Completely Undatable

No, I’m not dead. Here are a few updates on where I’ve been and what I’ve been working on this summer.

Hello again. It’s, um… well, it’s been a while.

These past two months I have been summering hard. I took my kids to my hometown in Georgia for a month. I put out a new book. I started a new series! There is so much going on that, as a result, I have seriously fallen behind on my website. So let’s take a second for a few exciting updates, shall we? Game on!

I published Completely Undatable!

You guys, I love this friggin’ book. When I first wrote it, I was honestly scared that it was crap. But now that I get to reread it as a finished product and hear feedback, I feel so sure that this is something special. It’s funny, it’s charming, it’s sweet. It has everything that I like to read when I pick up a new rom-com. I really hope you’ll check it out. It’s super cheap, so what do you have to lose?

Here’s the link and a quick blurb about it:

Viola knows the story. Girl meets boy. They fall in love. Blah blah blah.

She’s a bestseller that’s churned out every iteration of the formula. But it doesn’t work in real life. It’s a fairytale. Pretend. Makebelieve.

But when she ends up seated at the singles’ table during her best friend’s wedding, her expert knowledge of cliché and lovey-dovey nonsense is put to the ultimate test.

I visited Georgia and Flagstaff, AZ!

This has been a hardcore summer of travel and it has been equal parts exhausting and wonderful. We got the chance to visit my hometown and then also took the kids up to the Arizona mountains in order to escape that infamous Mesa heat. We ate so much good food, went on so many beautiful hikes, and had so many conversations about how we want to move in the next few years. Here are two of my favorite pics:

May be an image of 4 people, including Steven Miner and Brittni Miner, people standing, flower and outdoors
May be an image of 1 person, baby and indoor

I started a new Western series!

If you love contemporary Western romance, have I got the series for you! This new anthology follows the lives and loves of the seven Gardner children, starting with the oldest daughter, Grace. I am so excited for this book to come out this summer and even more excited now that I have officially finished its first sequel. Check out my Facebook page for an upcoming release of the amazing Capture Something Wild cover art!

Alright, friends, that’s all for today’s updates. Don’t fret: I won’t be disappearing for two months again. Ya girl’s gotta write!


