A Few Life Updates

Call It Kismet From the Top

What’s the latest and greatest going on in my life? Read on to find out all the updates.

There is so much happening these days! March has already brought so much joy and I can’t wait to see what April brings. So what’s the news? Lemme tell ya all about it!

For starters, Call It Kismet dropped on BookFunnel and it’s already getting such exciting feedback. I *LOVE* receiving emails from readers and this has been a great tool for me to connect with my audience on a deeper level. Speaking of which, if you ever want to send me your comments, questions, or adoring, obsessive praise (just kidding), you can email me at brittni@eburneanbooks.com. Do it! You know you want to!

This month beta readers finished their read-through of my first full-length novel, From the Top. I am so excited for this book. If you read any one thing from me, I beg you that it be this title. It’s a love letter to my hometown and I had the great privilege of being inspired by friends, family, and all the other faces you might see in Warner Robins, Georgia.

Thankfully, my beta readers gave me a lot of wonderful ideas to work with. I’m one of those rare people that really thrives on feedback and even criticism, so it is always a joy to hear what these readers have to say. I’ll be working on re-writes and edits for about the next month, with From the Top premiering mid-April. I’ll be sure to let you know when it drops.

In more personal news, I survived a spring break with my twin kiddos home from school. They usually attend a Montessori preschool during the day so that I can get work done, and life is very different having them constantly underfoot. I love them so much and they are a bright spot in my life. . . but mama values her alone time. I was very nervous about handling their energy level this week but it all worked out perfectly. We enjoyed a trip to Mesa’s I.D.E.A. Museum, went to an indoor play place, and spent a lot of time hitting the local playground. It was wonderful.

May be an image of baby and indoor
Here are those cuties enjoying a book with my husband

Writing down all of these awesome things that are going on has got me really high on my life today. I am so blessed.

So what are you up to these days? Give me even more good news to smile about! And in the meantime, if you want to read some more happy stuff from me, be sure to check out my fun little lists of 5 great romance movies or 5 great romance TV shows.


