

Sweet Romance Author

Brittni Miner is a former sketch comedian and television critic who loves laugh-out-loud banter, heroines with cat obsessions, and a nice, awkward meet-cute. 

"To me, the true measure of a good book is the ability to connect to the characters. Her characters were rich and relatable which drew me into the story early on."
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Bingeably bound heartfelt stories.

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Brittni Miner Library

Brittni Miner’s dry wit and cynical self-aware take on sweet romance make for fresh takes on a beloved genre. You might just find yourself falling for her relatable, honest characters. Explore her books now!

Hand Picked Highlight

Featured Book

Capture Something Wild

Jack Cooper wants to escape a memory that haunts him. 

Except to save his ranching career he’s forced to ask for help from the very last people he ever wanted to meet again—the family whose son he injured and scarred for life.

Now he must keep his role in the accident a secret from them. But the family’s eldest daughter, Grace–one of the only witnesses to her brother’s accident–could complicate that.

The Gardner Ranch Series

The Gardner Ranch series is an anthology of standalone clean, sweet, contemporary western romance. Each book follows a beautiful story touching one of the Gardner children, a rancher family in rural Arizona.

What I Write When I'm Not Writing:

The Brittni Miner Blog

Falling for my best friend. I have amnesia. I hate to love you. Here are my top 5 fave tropes. Even before I was a...
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It’s summer: come take a virtual vaca with me. All of the Arizona fun, minus the killer heat. “Goldfinch was in northern Arizona where they...
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No, I’m not dead. Here are a few updates on where I’ve been and what I’ve been working on this summer. Hello again. It’s, um…...
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